Biologist MSc - specialisation in numerical biology
The numerical biologist specialisation is actually a DATA SCIENCE course for biologists. Its aim is to train biologists who are confident in handling data and are able to work as bioinformaticians, eco-informaticians or in positions in biology where a high level of computer science knowledge is required.
The training is entirely practical, and the classes are taught by biologists, computer scientists or other professionals working in the field, giving students up-to-date, real-life experience. The curriculum is designed assuming only basic IT skills, but over the course of the four semesters the practicals build on each other as students gain more complex and in-depth knowledge.
We recommend this course for students who have an affinity for computer use and own a computer.
Outlook and job opportunities
Can a biology graduate find a job in data analytics or data science?
Bioinformatics: Where Biology and Data Science Meet
An Ultimate Guide to How to Become a Data Scientist with a Biology Degree
About the training
- numerical biologist I (eco-informatics)
- numerical biologist II (bioinformatics)
The fields of study of the numerical biologist specialisation
- Linux command line tools
- Text processing
- Shell programming
- R programming
- Python programming
- Biometrics, statistics
- Database management
- GIS, spatial computing
- Image and video processing
- Web data mining
- Machine learning
- Bioinformatics
- Genomics
- Phylogenomics
- Transcriptomics
The course supervisors and the supervisors of the final examination subjects
Responsible for the subjects, teachers
- Prof. Barta Zoltán
- Dr. Bán Miklós
- Dr. Nagy Nikoletta Andrea
- Dr. Tököly Jácint
- Ecsedi Kornél
- Oláh Gergő
- Dr. Szabó Gergely
- Dr. Barta Attila
- Dr. Sramkó Gábor
- Dr. Végvári Zsolt
- Dr. Lackó Levente