Thesis requirements

Requirements for Biology BSc thesis: 15-20 written pages (Times New Roman, 12 character size, 1.5 line spacing) + illustrative material (figures, graphs, maps, tables, etc.). The thesis should contain the following chapters: Table of Contents; Introduction & Literature review; Objectives; Materials and Methods (for non-review type theses); Results; Discussion; Summary; Acknowledgements (if needed); Bibliography.

There are no further formal constraints on the thesis. The supervisor can give additional guidelines specific to the field of study in which the thesis was written.

Guidelines for writing the thesis can be found in this file: Thesis guidelines 2022 (These are just guidelines, not rules!)

Thesis examples: theses from previous years can be found on the DEA repository: (note: Hungarian and English theses are mixed; scroll down to find English ones. Full PDFs are only available from UD IP-addresses).

Last update: 2024. 04. 22. 13:02