Entomology and Conservation Biology - Department of Evolutionary Zoology and Human Biology

The Entomological and Conservation Biological Research Group carries out laboratorial and field research on insects and other invertebrates. Our topics typically have strong taxonomical base with evolutional and biogeographic questions combined with conservation biological aims. Such investigations provide a basis for a network of cooperations with research groups of our and other departments of the Institute of Biology and Ecology of the university; and of other Hungarian and foreign universities, institutes and national parks.

The most important topics of such cooperations are: conservation genetics, phylogeography, morphometry, community- and behavioural ecology, sociobiology and parasitism. We keep several courses where the Zootaxonomy, coordinated by us, has been a basic course of the Department since 1929.

Topics for Master theses

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Last update: 2023. 06. 21. 11:35